Heard Read Seen

A list of news and blog posts and other web items we stumbled upon in the past week…

  • Lessons from Australia’s 17-Year Drought (90.9 wbur) – When Australia dealt with a drought that lasted 17 years, there was significant need for legislation to help handle water disputes; farmers vs cities and environmental concerns vs farmers had to be hashed out in a way that managed water needs best. wbur-Boston discusses what California can learn from Australia’s situation with Rebecca Nelson a senior fellow at the University of Melbourne School of Law.
  • International collaboration leading to cost-effective agriculture water reuse policies (Water World) – Researchers in California have partnered with researchers in Israel to study the use of treated wastewater as an agricultural source, as this has been a successful practice in Israel for 15 to 20 years. The study hopes to better understand what this could mean in California and beyond as regions across the globe tackle water scarcity issues.
  • Is the Tide Turning Against Water Privatization? (The Nation) – An article discussing how the World Bank appears to be backing off corporatizing Lagos Nigeria’s water system.
  • Nepal Earthquake 2015: Diseases, Clean Water, Overcrowding Top Aid Workers Concerns (International Business Times) – Even before the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that rocked Nepal on April 25th, access to safe water was a concern; now UNICEF and the American Red Cross are making access to clean water a top concern for the survivors of the earthquake.

Contributed by Shafik Islam, Margaret Garcia, and Molly Greer

Molly E. Greer

Molly E. Greer is Tufts University student studying Geology and Environmental science.